Isabelle M. Frati, CEA
As a Certified Executor Advisor,  I work with both Testators (a person who dies, or will die with a Will) and Executors (a person(s) appointed by Testator to execute their Will) to identify and minimize potential estate challenges.

With proactive finanical planning I help testators create strategies to ease taxation and liquidity issues as well as real, or perceived, inequality concerns in their Wills.  I provide guidance to Executors towards successful execution of the duties and legal responsibilities to avoid personal risk and liability.   

A well prepared Executor will understand the importance and value of ensuring estates are proactively planned for themselves and their loved ones.
Partnered with a team of insurance and guaranteed investment experts, I am proud to have helped many  individuals as well as business owners, reinvent and better their financial situations through education, awareness and proactive planning. 

I enjoy delivering workshops and seminars to share details on a variety of tools to help them realize thier goals.  I then work collaboratively with them to implement strategies to make their dreams a reality. 

I absolutely love what I do.    I find it's very rewarding to help people better their circumstances and change their lives."

I believe helping people
make and implement important decisions today,

will enable them the     
luxury of having choices tomorrow.
"it takes as much energy to wish   as it does to plan."

Eleanor Roosevelt

Contact us today to arrange your complimentary consultation.  

Let's chat over coffee about  options available to you to make your dreams a reality. 
It's never too late to begin your plan. 

Call us today and let's get started -  (416) 268-2300

We look forward to hearing from you.